Getting back to shooting after a long, long time. 52 Weeks challenge should be good to get the creative gears jump start. Also, would prefer to keep this page updated.
About this ball, I do not live anywhere near any golf course. Yet, somehow this ball fell on my roof. There isn't even any open space in the neighborhood where someone could swing for the trajectory. At this point, how it landed on the roof, is a mystery to me.

Week 2 - My Passion
Food. And everything else that involves food, including cooking and tools! Plus - macros! Recently got whetstones and have started to properly sharpen my knives. The first attempt was pretty meh.. the edge did get sharper than what it was, but left many abrasive marks on the body of the blade. Not to mention, the tip of the knife is still dented from a previous fall. Using Canon 100mm macro lens for these shots.

Week 3 - Astrid Kirchherr (artist spotlight)
Known for her association with the Beatles, especially during their Hamburg days. The shots in the attic are the ones that inspired me the most. The unidirectional lighting and posing of the subject takes away the focus from the clutter in the back. This is just a humble attempt at recreating the same.
Shot with Canon FD 50mm 1.4 to mimic the retro look on a Sony a6500.

Week 4 - Commitment
It's week 4 of 2022. We have already done 3 hikes so far this year. Committed to do many more.

Week 5 - Something Familiar
Took this macro shot of paper towel roll, which was being illuminated from the side, giving it a gradient from bright to dark as it travels deeper into the layers. Also used the week's prompt for some more familiar objects.